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Xingguang Fushou Garden is located on the south side of Leling Million Mu Jujulin Baizao Garden, covering an area of 10 mu and 500 jujube trees. The variety is complete, the age of the trees is uneven, there are dozens of varieties such as golden silk jujube, non-nuclear jujube, round bell jujube. More than 100 plants of more than 100 years old, 50 trees of 500 years old, 19 trees of 800 years old, 9 plants of Millennium Fushou tree. The winding path of the park is quiet and the seasons are picturesque. Visitors can enjoy the scenery, taste the nectar, or pick the fruit. "Eat three jujubes a day, all diseases are scared away", jujube can replenish the vital energy, nourish the blood, prevent cancer and fight cancer. In particular, eating the jujube on the millennium Fushou tree can prolong life, auspicious happiness.